消歧义:关于条目名中包括“Swapswap”的其他条目,参见Swapswap (消歧义页)。
AU条目 本条目是一个AU条目 |
资料缺失 该条目因创作者删除相关资料导致信息不足 |
原名 | Swapswap: End of An ERA(原名) |
常用译名 | 反转反转:时代之末(民间译名) |
创始者 | (创始者) Dunkly |
现持有者 | (现持有者) Gold |
背景 | 明亮的 |
风格 | 轻快的 |
类型 | 元素混杂、角色错位 |
状态 | 已转让 发布 (2020) |
Swapswap: End of An ERA(简称Swapswap: EOAE、EOAE)曾是由Dunkly创作的Swapswap第八个版本,现被定性为独立于现Swapswap官方版本的翻版项目并由Gold所有。其基于Underswap对原作增加的独特设定,并在角色设计上参考了Dunklyswap。
- 全名为Frisk Valencia,性别不明的十二岁小孩。
- 可用男性称谓进行称呼。
- 西班牙裔,来自于墨西哥索诺拉州的索诺塔。
- 用墨西哥手语交际。
- 坠入地底世界时携带着一个背包。
- 全名为Chara Dunning,十六岁。
- 女性,亦可使用中性称谓称呼。
- 苏格兰人,还小时就从苏格兰搬到了美国亚利桑那州凤凰城。
- 美国口音,带有一点点苏格兰语。[1]
- 善于语言交际。
- 整体性格更像Classic!Asriel。[a][2]
- 想出地表计划是出自于善意而并非对人类的仇恨。[3]
Your Best Friend
- 性别未知,年龄未知。
- 是你真正的朋友。
- 会与Frisk一同前行。
- 终版整体形象更接近向日葵。
- 沿用Swap!Toriel的部分设定,仍拥有权杖。
- 据说已生活了数个世纪,实际年龄无人知晓,但与Asgore相差无几。
- 误认为人类在用枪威胁Asgore的生命而杀死了TA,也因此被放逐到遗迹。
- 初版中羊角为粉色,在终版定为淡紫色。
- 羊耳末端有分叉。
- 会做煎饼,但不是为人类准备的。
- 浅蓝色的小幽灵,带着一顶嘻哈帽。
- 留有形似头发的小辫子和刘海。
- 没有Classic!Napstablook那样如此消沉。
- 穿着一件无兜帽青色外套,系着浅蓝色围巾。
- 外衣底下藏有塑料制成的盔甲。
- 说话的句子开头的字母会大写,并以感叹号结尾。
- 不像Split!Swapswap中的Sans玩悠悠球。
- 最终版形象沿用了Swap!Sans的部分设计,如眼睛中有黑色的圆环。
- 其初版与再版的头骨形状沿用Split!Swapswap的设计,终版设计形象则不同于Classic!Sans与Swap!Sans。
- 拥有Gaster Blaster,但整体战斗力比Papyrus低。
- 约莫二十几岁到三十出头。
- 自称是“地底世界闪耀的新星”或“最佳的榜样”。
- 皇家卫队最有能力的战士之一,已入队很长一段时间。
- 时刻敞开怀抱去帮助那些需要帮助的人。
- 空闲时会去给雪镇居民们带来欢笑,争取做一名全能的好人。
- 说话的句子中字母都是大写,而且没有除了逗号的其他标点符号。
- 当他独自一人不开心时,会在遗迹大门旁唱歌,也因此结识了Toriel。
- 最喜欢的食物是燕麦拌恐龙蛋。
- 其头骨形状沿用了Split!Swapswap的设计。
- 其眼眶形状更接近圆形。
- 不会露出像Swap!Papyrus的锯齿状牙。
- 拥有Gaster Blaster,没有KR。
- 会使用不那么致命的炫酷且有趣的攻击。
- 在中立路线只是想让你放弃而不是伤害你。
- 在仁慈泯灭线认为你仍有机会去改正。
- 偶尔会躲开你的攻击,但不会一直都击不中。[4]
- 皇家卫队队长。
- 手臂上绑有绷带。
- 休闲装穿着紧身牛仔裤和配错颜色的袜子。[5]
- Alphys为她提供了全新的武器矛。
- 使用女性称谓。
- 售卖的东西与原作一致。
- 在仁慈泯灭线可能会售卖武器。
- 约莫三十多岁。
- 前皇家卫队成员,在成为皇家科学家后,又担任皇家卫队武器设计师一职。
- 依旧怀念在卫队和战斗带来的快感,但不过是为测试武器所编造的借口。
- 没人知道她为什么放弃原来的职位,有怪物猜是与Undyne有关,或是更黑暗的原因。
- 依旧心怀正义感。如果你敢威胁她所在意的人,她会狠狠地“纠正”你。
- 脸上的伤疤是做武器测试时留下的。
- 形象沿用了Swap!Alphys比Classic!Alphys强壮的特点。[6]
- 地底世界的国王,背负着沉痛的往事。
- 尽己所能保持乐观,在别人面前当一名好好先生。
- 宁愿放弃自己的生命也不愿伤害穿过地底的人类。非必要时,他不会伤害任何事物。
- 曾试图和第二个坠落下来人类[b]理论,但前皇后Toriel杀死了那个人类,他不得不把她流放到遗迹。
- 有一件战斗盔甲,但不愿再穿,他不想回想起过去的种种折磨。
- 没有Classic!Asgore那样的三叉戟。
- 后脑留有一撮辫子,战斗服饰有兜帽。[7]
- 皇家科学家,依旧存活。
- 诸多角色的人物设定与初稿设计沿用了Split!Swapswap。
- 六名人类的遗物所在地点交换:蓝魂⇔黄魂,橙魂⇔青魂,紫魂⇔绿魂。
- Ruins被Ruined Palace所取代,其内饰接近于原作Ruins(即拥有谜题、长廊、藤蔓、破墙等元素),但不同的是该地区整体为一座城堡。[8]
- 原作中部分角色之间的关系发生了变化,如Papyrus会与Toriel说笑,而Sans与Undyne交好。[9]
- Dunkly在此项目的形象是一只名为Annoying Cat的猫,其取代了Annoying Dog位置。
- 该项目中屠杀线被称为
No Mercy Run ,该线路与原作相比有诸多不同的细节:
- Toriel、Alphys以及Asgore在此路线都有特定战斗。
- Papyrus的致命伤为头骨被手枪打破,而Sans的致命伤为被刀从胸骨划到左肩。[10]
- Alphys会在仁慈泯灭线穿上与Swap!Alphys相似的盔甲
- Sans会在仁慈泯灭线穿上与Classic!Sans一样的外套与内衬与你战斗。
- Asgore会在仁慈泯灭线穿上他的战斗盔甲。
- Sans的魔法眼为蓝橙相间,而不是青黄交替闪光,对应了灵魂的位置互换。
- Dunkly认为如果在此项目的基础上叠加Dusttale,Papyrus会更适合站在屠戮者的位置。[11]
- Dunkly曾为该项目制作过游戏,其名为Familiar,而后该游戏与Swapswap脱离干系。
- ↑ “Chara probably just speaks in like a very normal American accent because its where she grew up, maybe with a little hint of scottish from her parents and home”
——Dunkly - ↑ “except like chara's more like asriel and asriel is more like chara
yeah i know dunkly dumdum idiot chara-asriel swap swapswap personality in mk-asriel frisk-chara swap swapswap roles”
——Dunkly - ↑ “chara came up with the plan, but with like actual genuine good intentions instead of the implied hatred for humanity in UT”
——Dunkly - ↑ The self-proclaimed "Shining Light of The Underground" and "Greatest Example" !
An expert Royal Guardsman, a Brother and last but not least, a resident of Snowdin Town!
One of the royal guard's most capable Fighters, wants to be the best example for all of the monsters of the underground, always doing his best to help anyone in need of assistance!
When he's noton duty, he's out doing what he does best, bringing a smile to the residents of Snowdin Town, cracking afew jokes here and there, bening an all around nice guy!
He's around his late twenties to early thirties. He's been in the guard for a while now, long enough for basically nobody to even remembera time he WASN'T.
The weirht of trying to be the best does sometimes get the best of him, but he alweys bounces right back, better than ever, ready for more! - ↑ “im not going to be drawing a fullbody, but shed probably be wearing skinny jeans with mismatched colourful socks or something.”
——Dunkly - ↑ The Royal Guard's Chief Weapons Designer
An Ex-Guard Member, turned Royal Scientist, turned Weapons Designer for the Royal Guard.She Still misses the thrill of fighting and being in the guard, but it's all made up by her testing sessions with all the weapons she creates, sometimes maybe taking it a bit too far, as the big scar on her face can clearly tell.
Alphys is in her thirties. Nobody konws why she gave up the position of Royal Scientist, but some speculate it has something to do with the captain of the Guard, her and Alphys always hanging out together off duty, some speculate it might be something darker.
Along with everything, she has a strong sense of justice, always willing to make thing right, especially if you're a threat to anyone she cares deeply about. - ↑ The kindhearted leader of all monsterkind
The king of the underground, burdened with events from his past. Despite this, he still tries his best to stay positive and be as nice as he possibly can, refusing to harm anything or anyone, unless absolutely necessary.
He would rather let himself perish, than harm a human passing through the underground, feeling guilt towards a certain human from the past, killed by the former queen as he was trying to reason with them. He had the displeasure of being the one to exile the former queen to the ruins at the start of the underground, now even refusing to wear his armor, it reminding him of the whole ordeal all those years ago.
Nobody really knows of asgore's age, but it's been said he's centuries old, a king from a time long gone. - ↑ “Could you describe what the Ruined Palace is like? I always wanted to know how this area is thinking”
“its a huge castle with lots of long corridors and hallways, filled with puzzles and traps to keep intruders out. its certainly stood the test of time but its taken some damage in the process.
it's got flowers and vines growing EVERYWHERE and the walls look like they could crumble and cause a blocked hallway at any moment.”
——Dunkly - ↑ “Since papyrus takes toriel and sans’ relationship, does that mean sans is closer to undyne in this au?”
——Dunkly - ↑ "wont draw the run where sans dies before papyrus but the cut on sans would just be bigger.papyrus probably gets shot because the gun swaps with the ballet shoes"
——Dunkly - ↑ “试着做了个swapswap+dusttale” 内容:“sans绝没可能打过papyrus,更别说他不会允许自己置自己的兄弟于死地。 当听到sans在地底肆意屠杀时,papyrus企图阻止sans,却受到了sans的怒火:“你不会明白的!”,“我必须这么做!”,“别挡我的路!”。两人争执良久,papyrus试图讲理说服sans,但sans完全没有理会。Papyrus只能威胁sans,告诉sans他必须这么做然后将他关了起来,而sans却让papyrus加入他:“一起消除人类这个威胁!”期初在听到sans这么说后他非常震惊,但他想到个点子,他可以假装跟sans站在同一边上,试图在不伤害兄弟的前提下把他带到皇家卫队那里。一路上,sans开始怀疑papyrus,他试图将sans带向哨站。已经怒火中烧的sans攻击了papyrus,试着让他明白他自己根本不是掌管大局的骨,这让两兄弟开始大打出手,伴随着时间的推移,sans已经精疲力尽。Papyrus试图再次说服他,希望他能听进去他的话。之前的战斗给那些目击到的暴戾的怪物们敲响了警钟,他们决定是时候该采取行动了。Papyrus无意中用冲击波向其中一个怪物开火,而在ta旁边的,是一起正中攻击的sans。Papyrus震惊地站在原地,审视着自己的所作所为。他,Papyrus,地底最耀眼的光芒,最伟大的榜样,现在变成了一个杀人犯。曾经的papyrus已经不复存在了,他辜负了自己,辜负了自己的道德,辜负了整个地下世界。他脱下了他的卫队盔甲,认为自己已经不配再穿上它。他抬起头,看向了剩下的一群怪物们,抬起了他的手。他已经成为了一个彻头彻尾的杀人犯,曾经的papyrus已经化作了一段遥远的回忆。”
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